Waste Recycling Prices
3005 Grant Line Road, New Albany
Tuesday – Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Household Hazardous Waste
2nd Saturday of each month April – October
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Payment Methods Accepted: Cash or Check
Waste Items $4.00 per gallon
- Latex Paint
- Oil-Based Paints
Waste Items $1.00 per gallon/item
- Aerosol Cans – Household Cleaners
- Spray Paints – Etc.
Waste Items $5.00 per gallon
- Herbicide/Pesticide Liquids and Solids
Waste Items $10.00 per gallon
- Acids (no hydrochloric acid)
- Fluorescent Light Tubes $0.25 per linear foot
- Broken tubes $1.00 per linear foot
Electronic Waste (E-Waste)
- Any item that has a screen (including laptops) – $10.00 per item
- Business Printers (Commercial/Office/Residential) – $20.00 per item
- CED (Covered Electronic Device) – $5.00 per item
- Camcorders/Cameras
- Computer (i.e. computer tower)
- DVD/TiVo devices including cable and satellite boxes but no satellite dishes.
- Digital Media Players
- Digital Photo Frames
- Fax Machines
- iPods/MP3 Players
- Peripherals – Keyboards, external hard drives, printers, mouse and any other device sold exclusively for external use with a computer and provides input or output of a computer. All-in-one printer/copier/scanner or a projector can also be included in this category, provided that item is designed to be used exclusively with a computer.
- Portable GPS navigation systems
- Video cassette recorders/players
- Batteries
- Dry Cell Batteries (Alkaline, Nicad) – $2.00 per pound (please separate)
- Wet Cell Batteries – $5.00 per battery
- Car and small engine
- Microwaves (regardless of type or size) – $5.00 per item
- Smoke Detectors – $10.00 per item
- Televisions (regardless of type of size) – $20.00 per item